About Coach Eileen
My Passion for Young Adults is to Believe in Themselves!
I am going to take you back to almost ten years ago. I had no idea what I wanted to do next in my own life, as a former special education teacher and a mom of 2. I started seeing a life coach (I had just learned what a life coach was!). She led me to the program that she attended, iPEC, the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching, one of the most elite coaching organizations. I never worked so hard and actually enjoyed myself as I did through this 9-12 month training.
About four years later, I was coaching only moms at the time, when my daughter, a junior in college, started having difficulty functioning on a day to day basis. Her depression and anxiety got worse and worse. As the mom, I felt I was on my knees at the edge of a rabbit hole, holding both of her hands, so she didn’t slide down. I was in the car rescuing her from here and there, taking her to the emergency room after a fall, and just watching this person who used to be my daughter disappear. As the mom coach, I knew I had to take action for myself as well as her.
We both went into intense therapy. She stayed home for a semester to recover. Once she started recuperating, I continued to work with her, sharing my coaching strategies (which she teaches her friends about to this day). I need to share, though, that teaching your own children many of these strategies can be challenging because, let’s face it, most of our kids think we are as dumb as a box of rocks! So I got help with therapists and then a life coach when she was healthy.
After this experience, I knew what I had to do, so I switched gears with my entire coaching program to work with young adults. The pressure on these young people is unbelievable and much more challenging than it was for us, especially during COVID-19. We went to school/college, graduated, got a job, got married, bought a house…you get the drill. Well, it’s not the same for them. Their lack of direction is frustrating for parents since we want to see our young people happy, content, confident, and successful, but how can we help them?
That’s where I come into the picture. I am a certified life coach, a former teacher with a background in child development, and I’ve had the first-hand experience with my own struggling 20 somethings (20 and 23), so I get it. Since I switched to working with Young Adults, I have helped many get back on track to work towards their goals and dreams while moving insecurities out of the way to enjoy their lives. They go from feeling sad, nervous, scared, and just plain stuck without a plan to move forward to feeling excited about the road ahead of them!
By the way, my daughter is doing so much better. She is working towards her dream to become a therapist and a life coach. How do you like that??
Are you ready to learn how I assist young adults in feeling accomplished, proud, and confident as they embark on their fabulous journey into adulthood? Click below to schedule a complimentary Time to Get Clarity Session ($150 value). You’ll learn all about my Confusion To Clarity method, so they find joy in life. We’ll get clear on where your young person is now and where they hope to be. I’ll help you understand some of the common issues for young adults today, and together we’ll map out a plan of how to move forward from here to a life of success and happiness.